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Dental health for seniors

Special needs for seniors

As we get older, our dental needs become increasingly specialized.

Becasue our dental needs may be different than they once were, regular visits to the dentist ae essential. Although many seniors wear dentures, adult tooth loss is often a result of preventable oral disease and not a result of athe aging process.

Many seniors affected by medical conditions take medications that can adversely interact with dental anesthesia. That is why it's important to keep your dentist informed of any changes or updates in your medical history to prevent potentially harmful drug interactions or changing health conditions. Many medications also can cause a decrease in saliva production, resulting in dry mouth, which can lead to dental decay and eventually tooth loss.

Proper denture care

Wearing dentures doesn't mean you can stop paying attention to your oral health. In fact, dental care is imperative when you wear full or partial dentures, contributing to greater comfort and better denture fit.

Daily denture care

The following techniques explain how to best clean plaque and food deposits from your dentures and mouth.

1) Rinse

Rinse mouth thoroughly with water to remove any loose food particles.

2) Brush

With a special toothbrush that conforms to the shape of your dentures, brush thoroughly, but not so hard that you damage plastic parts or bend metal clasps. Specific denture-cleaning toothpastes are preferable to conventional pastes, which may be too abrasive. Never use bleach, as it may alter your dentures' color or corrode metal parts.

3) Soak

Unless your dentist recommends otherwise, remove your dentures overnight to allow gums to rest. Dentures must be kept moist when not in your mouth, or they may lose their shape. Soak in denture-cleansing solution for the solution's suggested time period (any longer may tarnish metal parts). Never soak dentures in hot water, as they could warp.

4) Reinsert

Always handle dentures over a folded towel or a wash basin half-full of water -- even a short fall can break the denture base or a tooth. Before reinserting, brush gums, tongue and the roof of your mouth with a soft-bristled brush to remove plaque and stimulate circulation.

Having a dental plan

In order to avoid oral diseases and maintain natural teeth, seniors ddpca_testshould receive regular dental care.

Delta Dental of California offers a senior dental plan that addresses the special needs of seniors. For more information and a list of dentists who participate in this program, please click here.


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